Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2008

Weihnachtspäcken für Jaromir

Jaromir bekommt ein Weihnachtspäckchen aus Gaildorf. Nach Anfangsschwierigkeiten beim Auspacken:
Drin ist etwas, das beim Kullern laut klickert und einem blinden Kater ziemlich gut gefällt. Attacke!

Danke, Götz und Monika, Ida, Matthias & Babette!

Samstag, 13. Dezember 2008

Some kind of Retreat: Working. Thinking. Walking. And walking. Walking through icy winter's woods.

11. Dezember - 13. Dezember 2008

Strange. Seltsam.

„,He pissed me off,‘ we may say. The actual fact is that some action took place in the past that wasn’t to your liking at some specific time. What arose in response to that action were your long- developed habits of feeling aversion to that kind of action. A ‚you‘ appeared because of what happened. ‚He pissed me off‘ isn’t what happened.
What you should say is, ‚being pissed off caused me to exist.‘ ‚you‘ didn’t exist until there was something for ‚you‘ to exist in relationship to, and in this case that something is something to be angry about. ‚You‘ are the reaction called ‚being pissed of.‘ ‚You‘ is that sustained stream of thoughts that reinforces anger, that sees itself as being the same entity wo which ‚he‘ did something in the past.
It is a memory being played over and over like an old school dance-beat on a DJ’s tape loop, working hard at sustaining itself, knowing that the moment it stops repeating itself ‚you‘ will cease to exist. ‚I’m angry‘ is wrong. ‚Right now I am anger,‘ is closer to the truth of the matter.

Aus: Brad Warner: „Hardcore Zen“, Wisdom Publications Boston


Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2008